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Friday, May 22, 2009

Aye, Aye, Aye! My dog is so bad!!!

If I had a dime for every time I said, "Aspen! No!" I'd be one rich chick. I'm serious you guys! She's really bad! I love her dearly, but, she makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes! She's the greatest companion and a dear friend, but she's also very, very mischievous. Take her potty training for example. She knows it's a no-no to go indoors, but she will sit outside on her cable and hold it until she comes inside. As soon as she comes in the house, she tinkles. I wake up every morning to a wonderful pile of unmentionables in front of the living room door in the mornings. She refuses to use the puppy pad. We're going to get a kennel for her to stay in a night but that's a couple of weeks down the road. Ugh, why won't she get it? Don't get me started on the way she steals the kid's food. I have to put her outside when the kids eat or she will find a way to get their food. Trust me, she'll find a way. I am always getting on to her for eating the cat food and going in the laundry room. The litter boxes are in the laundry room and I certainly don't want her in there chowing down on the cat's waste. But, for some reason, she finds this a tasty meal. Gross. When she plays with the kids she gets way too rough. She's trying to be playful, but she winds up hurting them instead of playing. I hate to get onto her for that, but I can't have her hurting my babies. It's one thing after another with her. This is one journey I won't soon forget. I'm thinking of obedience school for her, but I'm not sure about it. Anyone got any tips?


  1. Another sassy dog I am not alone! When I look back on our journey with sassy sasha I wish I had done some obedience training I think it might have helped and it certainly couldn't hurt. My husband used to call us "the house of NO" when we first got her because she got into everything and still does. We love her. Maybe she and Aspen could play, on second thought maybe that would be a disaster lol. Good luck

  2. My dog is just terrible! He poops and urinates all over the house!

  3. Ahhh my doggie is the same way! I have a 1 year old Pekingese, Bella. She goes through phases, she'll be a perfect puppy for a week, and the next week she'll be TERRIBLE. Growling and barking at everything, jumping and getting into the trash. She LOVES to tear up toilet paper so we can't have the bathroom door open anymore. Argh... puppies are hard work!
